Tuesday, July 28, 2015


p-day especial para las hermanas

Cousin "IT" She does it better than me...because she has WAY more hair than me. ;)

Inside of the house

Well....something completely crazy happened this week. Hermana Christiansen and I both stayed here in Acevedo! We were both completely sure that one of us would leave and we were telling all the members and investigators that one of us would leave...but then we both ended up staying for another transfer! Haha, we are super excited to be together! Obviously there is more we need to do here together, so we are going to do it!

We had a crazy week! On Tuesday, we went to Rosario and had a special p-day for the hermanas! There are only 36 of us in the misssion now. It was awesome to get to see some of my old companions and meet new people! I feel really old in the mission. We learned that we shouldn't compare ourselves and we are all special daughters of God. Sometimes that is hard in the mission because you look at all the great things the other hermanas are doing...but you need to remember tha God has a special plan for you and you are learning exactly what He wants you to learn. I don't know if you all remember Claudia from Cañada, but Hermana Cerna told me that she is pregnant! How crazy! I miss all the people in Cañada so much!

Then on Wednesday, we painted a house for a member family! It was lots of fun and it turned out really nice. :)

We had some super great lessons this week. We are aiming to have lots of baptisms this transfer because all of our people are progressing well and I really feel like lots of them can make it to baptism this transfer.

The first one was with Amalia. She is amazing! She was basically testifying to us about the family and how important it is to have a close family and to defend the family in this crazy world. We read 2 Nephi 31 with her and we started reading one verse each..but she just kept reading and reading. Then she apologized, but she said she just couldn't stop because she loves reading the Book of Mormon. She is awesome! We are also trying to help her stop smoking. It it awesome.

Maria is doing great! She is all moved and everything is a lot calmer. We programmed her for August 22 and she asked us..."Can't I get baptized sooner?" We want her to come to church a couple more times, but I am sure she will get baptized. I have never had someone that wants to get baptized as much as she does. We also found this man named Ignacio! We talked to him the other day, but we were able to have a lesson with him this week. He is awesome. He has a daughter, but she doesn't live with him because he is separated. The elders passed for him before and he remembers a lot from what they said. He really wants to change his life. In the first lesson, we told him that if he could be baptized by someone who holds the priesthood authority of God, he would see changes in his life. He quickly agreed and accepted a baptism date as well. Super exciting!

We had 13 less actives at church this week! I don't know why, but in all my areas I have had lots of less actives that come to church. I feel like they are more important because they have already made special covenants with their Heavenly Father and they need to keep them. It is super awesome to be a missionary! I love you all!

Hermana Wood :)

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